With all the past trips Luke & I have done and not written about, we decided that it would be pretty fun to do a post every Friday looking back on those trips. Introducing... FLASH BACK FRIDAY POSTS! Let us start off with our trip to Breckenridge Colorado, which we took in March of 2015. We actually have a video on our YouTube channel from this trip (video link at the end of this post). Enjoy!
Our trip started off a little bumpy. By bumpy I mean turbulent! But we always expect some turbelence when flying into/out of the Denver Airport. We stayed in Denver for one night then headed up the mountain super early the next morning. The drive up the mountain was gorgeous! A very easy drive for sure. Now for the hard part of this post...
This is where my memory gets a bit foggy (it has been over two years since this trip!). When you spend so much time snowboarding, your days start to mesh together. I honestly don't remember how many days we spent at Breckenridge but I am pretty sure it was 2 and the other days were spent exploring a couple of the other resorts. That first day was the best day due to the awesome conditions. After that it felt like we were at home in Southern California snowboarding our local
mountains (slush galore!). On that first day though we did have a bit of a scare. While we were riding through some trees, small trails off the main trail, and hitting a few jumps my brother Adam took a bad crash and hit his head so hard on the snow that his helmet actually cracked! We didn't realize how bad he hit until later when we noticed his helmet (You actually see us noticing in the video below). Just to be safe he went to the ER to get checked out and turned out to be fine. Several of us took some bumps during this trip but even with all the crashes and bumps we all still had fun! We also took the Imperial Express which is the highest lift in north America with an elevation of 12.840 feet. Pretty damn impressive! The ride down on that run was interesting as well because we missed the turn off we wanted to take so we hiked up the mountain in powder. Definitely not easy! But worth it because the ride down after that was untouched powder.
We tried several of the other resorts but Breckenridge was our favorite. We loved the way it was set up and how adorable the town is. We spent a lot of time walking around town, snacking on tons of sweets! Of course you can't forget the breweries! The most well known brewery there is the Breckenridge Brewery which we tried out first. Sadly, we were disappointed.... it was nothing to write home about. But then someone mentioned another new brewery in town that was suppose to be way better. Its called Broken Compass Brewery. We all headed over there and were blown away! I am pretty sure we went there almost everyday after that! The beer was great, the atmosphere was awesome, and the people who work there are badass! Probably one of the highlights of this trip ;)
We wish we could have spent a bit more time there but we do plan on going back. Next time though we it will be a last minute trip geared around the weather. We want to go during ppeerrffeecctt conditions! Below is our video of our trip to Breckenridge. Check it out and let us know what you think :) Don't forget to give it a Thumbs Up and Subscribe! Thank you!